Educating the Whole Child:
Mind, Body and Spirit.
Assumption School acknowledges that its purpose for existence is rooted in the mission and message of Jesus Christ and His Church providing a safe, positive, and nurturing Catholic educational environment that permeates all aspects of its daily life and operations.
Each child must be challenged to reach his/her full potential by fostering in each child a love of learning and by providing an environment that also fosters respect and understanding of one another. In this regard, it is essential that a safe, positive and productive educational environment be established where students can attain the highest academic achievement.
Just a friendly reminder that you must check into the office before heading off to a classroom. A visitor's badge must be worn throughout the school. Also, please make sure that you have an appointment with the teacher before you head to their classroom. All visitors must enter by the front door and check into the office, not the side door where students are coming in.
1.) All staff and volunteers working directly with children will receive training about the signs and symptoms of child abuse and complete a Safe Environment Training Workshop prior to volunteering in the school as directed by the Diocese of Worcester and the National Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth of the USCCB.
2.) As required by state law, a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) check will be conducted on all prospective and current employees and volunteers.
Please call the school office to register at 508-865-5404.